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Live Style · 22 Agu 2024 WIB

Muzz App Launches ” #MerdekaDari “Campaign

 Muzz App Launches  ” #MerdekaDari “Campaign Perbesar

MARRIAGE   —   In Southeast Asia,  marriage is not just for the couple but a big deal for parents and the society. Especially when you’re expected to get married before a certain age, be financially stable with a promising career, a house, a car and a whole load of savings! This was very possible perhaps in the 80s but millennials and Gen Zs think otherwise.

Ilyani  Alias as  SEA Market Lead Muzz Ltd explained, social pressures within a (somewhat) judgemental society makes it even more difficult to be married let alone finding a partner.

So, many Southeast Asian women are now more career driven, highly educated and financially independent, which seems to be a good measure of a better quality of life, but not what it is when finding a husband.

” Based on the findings from focus groups and events, the Southeast Asia team at Muzz came up with an idea to help change this negative perception to a positive one. Hence, the #MerdekaDari campaign was launched! ” said Ilyani .

#MerdekaDari aims to highlight “unconventional” single Muslims in Indonesia and Malaysia, struggling to find love. The objective with this campaign builds awareness on the societal issues that are typically brushed under the carpet and considered a taboo.

Six  singles from Indonesia and Malaysia were interviewed and their stories are shared through a raw and emotional documentary style video. Released on 17 August 2024, marking the 79th year of Indonesia independence, marks great significance to the message that Muzz wants to send out to single Muslims in Southeast Asia and anywhere in the world!

 Muzz is the world’s biggest Muslim marriage app, boasting over 10 million members and over 500,000 successes. Muzz is making a real difference in the huge yet untapped global Muslim demographic.

Muzz’s success story started with its first international wedding that took place in Uganda. Incredibly, the only man and woman in Uganda on Muzz found each other and became the perfect match! In 10 years later,  Muzz have helped over 500,000 users who met their match through  this app. (*/)


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