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Bisnis · 2 Sep 2024 WIB

Difable Zone Crafts Penetrate International Market

 Difable Zone Crafts Penetrate International Market Perbesar

CRAFT — As an effort to empower the potential of the disabled, residents of Bajang, Wijirejo Village, Pandak District, Bantul formed the “Difable Zone” community. This community works on various crafts, especially hand-drawn batik crafts.

The Difable Zone Community was established in 2017 and was initiated by Lidwina Wuri. It also opens up employment opportunities and trains the independence of the disabled.

Until now, there are at least 50 disabled batik craftsmen who produce various batik crafts such as wallets, tissue holders, bags, prayer mats, batik cloth and clothing. These handicrafts are sold for Rp. 30 thousand for a small pouch to Rp. 500 thousand. Meanwhile, for a sheet of batik cloth measuring around two meters, the price reaches Rp. 1 million.

One of the members of the Difable Zone, Suhartono, said that at the Difable Zone house there are 8 disabled people who stay and work on batik. In addition to them, there are still many disabled members who work on their crafts in their respective homes.

“There are eight people in this house. But there are also many who work on batik in their own homes. They send their batik work to the Disabled Zone house in Nglarang, Triharjo, Pandak,” he said recently

Meanwhile, another member of the Disabled Zone admitted that he has become more confident since joining this community. This is because he gets space to work. Initially, Yani and other disabled people participated in training provided by the Christian Foundation for Public Health (YAKKUM), before finally joining and working in the Disabled Zone.

“Initially from Yakkum then pulled here (Difabel Zone) and here they can make batik independently,” explained Mulyani.

The production results from the Disabled Zone house itself are sold directly and online via Instagram A number of buyers come from various regions throughout Indonesia. Even the works of the Disabled Zone have reached international markets such as Japan and Germany. (*?)

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