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Fashion · 18 Jul 2024 WIB

“Craft Fashion” Mainstay Makes Jogja the Center of World Fashion

 “Craft Fashion” Mainstay Makes Jogja the Center of World Fashion Perbesar

FASHION — Jogja Fashion Dunia is a joint movement in the Special Region of Yogyakarta to make Jogja one of the centers of global fashion with Indonesian identity. This movement is based on a vision to advance the local fashion industry, increase economic opportunities, and preserve Jogja’s rich cultural heritage

Head of the Jogja Fashion Dunia Formulation Team, Muhammad Karim said, the Special Region of Yogyakarta has a lot of potential that is worthy of being developed. For that, there needs to be innovation in combining the potential of wastra, fashion crafts, industrial centers, and culture.

Jogja Fashion Dunia aims to make Jogja have an attraction in the fashion sector for the world community. In this case, Jogja Fashion Dunia has shown its commitment through various real steps, such as: Batch I and Batch II Fashion Design Incubation, training and mentoring for local fashion talents to develop their abilities.

“Participation in Jogja Fashion Week and Jakarta Muslim Fashion Week in order to introduce the work of Jogja designers on prestigious platforms. The closest will be a trade mission to Brussels to open up opportunities for international cooperation and expand market reach. ” said Karim in a media release received by the editors on Thursday (18/7/2024) this afternoon.

Ir. Syam Arjayanti MPA as Head of the DIY Trade and Industry Office

Furthermore, Karim invited the entire community to participate in the #JogjaFashionDuniaChallenge in July and August 2024. This movement is a challenge to inspire creativity and increase public awareness of Yogyakarta’s fashion potential. Participants are invited to upload their fashion styles and share them on social media. Said Iffah M Dewi, Secretary of Jogja Fashion Dunia.

Meanwhile, Ir. Syam Arjayanti MPA as Head of the  Jogja Trade and Industry Office said that if Paris is known as the center of haute couture fashion, Milan as the center of high-end fashion trends, and New York as the center of the metropolitan fashion melting pot, then Jogja, with its rich fashion crafts, aspires to become a center for sustainable and distinctive fashion.

He emphasized that Jogja Towards the Center of World Fashion is not only about competing with other cities, but about building its own identity on the global fashion stage. By combining rich cultural heritage with local expertise and innovation, Jogja is ready to amaze the world with its unique and inspiring fashion craft. (*/Sulist Ds)

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