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Health · 8 Jul 2024 WIB

Bistbox, Toddler Biscuits Made from Tempeh

 Bist Box.  Toddler Biscuit Perbesar

Bist Box. Toddler Biscuit

JOGJA —  So far, tempeh has mostly been processed into fried foods or just side dishes with regular meals. However, in the creative hands of the UNY PKM-K team, tempeh has turned into biscuits called Bistbox. This innovation is believed to be very popular with toddlers aged 1-3 years, because of its unique shape and delicious taste.

Siti Nursipa Wulida, a student of UNY Culinary Arts Education explained that the name Bistbox comes from the abbreviations Bist and Box. She also said that so far, tempeh has mostly been processed into fried foods or just side dishes with regular meals.

“We initially made this product because we saw that tempeh has a high source of protein, but unfortunately it is still rarely innovated into new products,” explained Siti in a media release received by the editors, Monday (8/7/2024)

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Furthermore, Siti said that the product initiated by UNY students has passed laboratory tests and has a NIB (Business Identification Number). This is certainly a consumer consideration in buying products that are not only delicious but also suitable for consumption. In fact, the packaging used. Using the reusable concept produces innovation in the usability of Bistbox product packaging.

“We also see competitors of toddler biscuits on the market, usually the packaging is only in the form of a regular box. However, the packaging we use when opened can become a game board or board game. So that children can explore on the game board,” said Siti.

Considering that the target market is toddlers, a Board game is included in its marketing to increase its appeal. In addition, biscuits are also formed with animal characters so that children are more familiar with living things around them.

“The selection of animal shapes on each Bistbox package will be accompanied by a fable story. The shape of the biscuit will adjust to each fable story that will be obtained,” said Siti.

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Siti hopes that with this innovation, creativity will emerge for toddlers in imagining stories with biscuit characters. In addition to gaining benefits for the body due to the protein content of tempeh, Bistbox also hones children’s psychomotor skills through games.

The success of creating the Bistbox product is only the second step after finding the idea. The next challenge is product promotion and marketing. Various efforts were made by the UNY PKM-K team in selling their products, starting from social media to participating in exhibitions. (*/Sulist Ds)

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